CEOCOR, the European Committee for the study of corrosion and protection of pipes and pipelines systems drinking water, waste water, gas and oil, is the international exchange of technical know how for specialists in the field of corrosion protection.
We are really excited to be part of this event for the first time, and we are looking forward to interesting meetings and technical talks. Join us and let us show you how CMI can evaluate pipeline wall conditions from the earth`s surface. Find out how our technology can overcome limitations of traditional ILI tools and how to avoid service disruptions and replacement costs with our wide range of integrity services.
As the leading congress of the energy and water industry, gat | wat 2023 is very close to the relevant topics of the industry.
Experience the technology and have a look at future-oriented solutions.
Visit us at our booth and find out how our technology is evolving and how EMPIT can help you to inspect unpiggable pipelines.

It’s for a reason that we are amongst Germany’s Top 100 innovators. Because our mission is to overcome these inspection challenges and, together with our clients, continuously improve the safety and reliability of all pipelines.