Pipeliners Dictionary

Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a type of corrosion that occurs when a material is subjected to both tensile stress and corrosive conditions. It is a brittle type of corrosion that can result in the rapid cracking and failure of the material, and is a significant concern for pipelines.

SCC can occur in pipelines as a result of a combination of factors, such as the presence of corrosive substances in the fluid being transported, environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, and residual stresses in the pipeline material. Residual stresses can result from the manufacturing process, installation, or from cyclic loading due to changes in fluid pressure or temperature.

SCC can cause significant damage to pipelines and can increase the risk of leaks or other safety hazards. It is important to properly design and construct pipelines to minimize residual stresses and reduce the risk of SCC. Additionally, pipelines must be regularly inspected and maintained to detect and address any signs of SCC as soon as they occur.

In some cases, SCC can be prevented or mitigated by applying a protective coating to the pipeline, or by using a corrosion-resistant material. In addition, cathodic protection can be used to reduce the risk of SCC by controlling the electrical potential of the pipeline and reducing the risk of corrosion.

In conclusion, stress corrosion cracking is a type of corrosion that can occur in pipelines and result in rapid cracking and failure if left unaddressed. It is important to take measures to prevent SCC, including proper design and construction, regular inspections and maintenance, and the use of corrosion-resistant materials and protective coatings, in order to maintain the integrity and reliability of the pipeline over time.

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