Pipeliners Dictionary

Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP)

MAOP, or Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure, is a critical parameter that defines the maximum pressure that a pipeline is designed to safely operate at. It is established by the pipeline owner or operator, and approved by regulatory authorities, based on factors such as the pipeline material, diameter, wall thickness, and potential external loads such as temperature, ground movement, and seismic activity. The MAOP is determined taking into account the yield strength of the pipeline material, the maximum expected operating temperature, and the safety factors specified by the governing codes and standards.

MAOP is a critical safety parameter and is used as a basis for ongoing integrity management programs for pipelines. It is regularly monitored and measured to ensure that it is not exceeded, and if necessary, reduced to maintain safe operation of the pipeline. In the event of a loss of containment, the MAOP helps determine the potential consequences of a release, such as the distance that the released material can travel, and the potential impact on the surrounding environment and population.

In summary, MAOP is an important safety parameter that is used to ensure safe and reliable operation of pipelines. It is established based on the pipeline material, design, and operating conditions, and is regularly monitored to maintain safe and compliant operation of the pipeline.

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