Pipeliners Dictionary

Dead legs are areas of a pipeline system that have little or no flow, typically caused by changes in direction such as tees, elbows, or branching lines.

They can occur in pipelines that transport fluid, gas, or other substances, and can pose significant risks to the pipeline's integrity.

Some of the risks associated with dead legs include:

  1. Corrosion: Stagnant fluid in dead legs can lead to corrosion of the pipeline, reducing its strength and increasing the risk of leaks or other issues.

  2. Debris accumulation: Dead legs can become clogged with debris, such as rust, sediment, and other material, which can reduce flow and increase the risk of blockages or other issues.

  3. Bacterial growth: Dead legs can provide an environment for bacteria to grow, which can cause corrosion, reduce flow, and lead to blockages.

  4. Difficult inspection and maintenance: Dead legs can be difficult to inspect and maintain, making it harder to detect and address issues before they become serious problems.

To minimize the risks associated with dead legs, it is important to regularly inspect them and to implement strategies to maintain fluid or gas flow, such as regularly purging or adding pigging loops. It is also important to monitor the pipeline's performance to detect any signs of corrosion, blockages, or other issues, and to take appropriate action to address these problems before they become serious issues.

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