Pipeline expert gathering in Bochum to discuss the future of energy networks
After a prolonged break, 3R-Magazine has finally brought us all back together in Bochum for the 13th International Pipeline Technology Symposium and the 16th Corrosion Protection Forum. An event that propels industry professionals to come together, engaging them in vigorous and vibrant discussions geared towards experience exchange that generates new ideas and solutions for the future.
New ideas and solutions are especially crucial at this time considering the ever-changing world dynamic and accelerated energy sector development that entails energy network restructuring. We need not forget that pipelines are and will remain the most prominent components of these networks, for they do provide the most efficient and cost-effective means of energy carrier transportation – be it gas, oil and now hydrogen…
For this reason, we, EMPIT, are very happy to have been invited to Bochum and participate in discussions, lectures and have had the chance to exchange valuable knowledge and experience concerning pipeline care. We do bring a unique perspective to the table with our Current Magnetometry Inspection (CMI) - a method that enables remote surveying of buried unpiggable pipelines. Valuable data that is collected can then be used not only for pipeline maintenance strategy development and planning but also for pipeline adaptation strategies for other purposes such as hydrogen transportation.
Our deepest gratitude to 3R-Magazine for thinking about the future and bringing together so many great minds who are solving the challenges that come with the imminent world changes. We are already looking forward to seeing everyone next year to speak about what has been achieved, what is still to be achieved and how we can best prepare for the changes that are to come.

It’s for a reason that we are amongst Germany’s Top 100 innovators. Because our mission is to overcome these inspection challenges and, together with our clients, continuously improve the safety and reliability of all pipelines.