Case Study: Boosting Safety and Durability in Airport Pipeline Inspection with EMPIT's CMI Technology


The inspection of airport pipelines is a critical component of airport maintenance and safety. Ensuring the integrity of underground fuel pipelines is essential. This study showcases the application of EMPIT's Current Magnetometry Inspection (CMI) technology for the inspection of jet fuel pipelines at a well-known Swiss airport. The focus is on detecting corrosion and enhancing the longevity of these vital structures, overcoming the challenges posed by concrete coverage and electrical connections in a complex piping network.


Swiss airports, with their detailed approach to infrastructure management, confront unique challenges in the inspection of airport pipelines. The integrity of underground jet fuel pipelines, crucial to the airport's function, is at risk due to corrosion, potentially causing operational disruptions or environmental hazards.

The Challenge

Traditional methods, such as ILI tools including pigs or crawlers, are unsuitable for the inspection of airport pipelines, as these are considered unpiggable due to sharp bends, horizontal pits and diameter changes. This necessitated a non-intrusive, accurate, and efficient inspection solution that is capable of inspecting unpigggable pipelines, leading to the selection of EMPIT's cutting-edge CMI technology.

EMPIT's Solution

EMPIT's CMI tool revolutionizes the inspection of airport pipelines. It assesses the condition of buried pipelines from the surface, providing a non-disruptive method to accurately detect and locate corrosion. This technology is invaluable in scenarios where traditional inspections are impractical, making it an ideal solution for airports.


The implementation of CMI technology for the inspection of airport pipelines at the Swiss airport involved a thorough survey with the portable CMI tool. This tool enabled the inspection team to navigate over concrete, mapping the pipeline's condition without the need for excavation or operational interruptions. Its sensitivity to corrosion-related anomalies facilitated in-depth assessments, even in areas where pipelines were encased in concrete or intertwined with complex electrical networks.


The application of CMI technology in the inspection of airport pipelines delivered exceptional outcomes:

  • Accurate Detection: The CMI tool precisely identified corrosion areas with high accuracy.
  • Operational Efficiency: The inspection was completed swiftly, causing minimal disruption to airport operations.
  • Cost Savings: Significant cost savings were realized by avoiding excavation and minimizing operational downtime.
  • Long-term Benefits: The insights gained from the inspection inform proactive maintenance strategies, extending the service life of the pipelines and ensuring a steady fuel supply.


The successful use of EMPIT's CMI technology in the inspection of airport pipelines at the Swiss airport underlines its significance in managing complex pipeline infrastructures. Providing a non-invasive, precise, and efficient approach to corrosion detection, EMPIT's CMI tool not only boosts safety but also aids in the sustainable management of crucial airport fuel pipelines. This case exemplifies how innovative technology addresses the challenges of inspecting buried pipelines in complex settings, setting a new benchmark for the maintenance of airport infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does EMPIT's CMI technology improve airport pipeline inspection?

EMPIT's CMI technology offers a non-invasive, precise method for corrosion detection, improving safety and operational efficiency without excavation.

What challenges does EMPIT's CMI technology address?

It overcomes the limitations of traditional methods, enabling inspection under concrete and near electrical systems, crucial for unpiggable airport pipelines.

What are the benefits for airports using EMPIT's CMI technology?

Benefits include accurate corrosion detection, minimal operational disruption, cost savings, and data for proactive maintenance, extending pipeline service life.

Can EMPIT's CMI technology detect corrosion under concrete or near electrical systems?

Yes, it's designed to detect corrosion even in pipelines encased in concrete or near complex electrical networks.

What were the results at the Swiss airport?

The technology achieved precise corrosion detection, operational efficiency, cost savings, and insights for maintenance, enhancing pipeline safety and longevity.

How does EMPIT's CMI contribute to long-term sustainability?

By enabling accurate inspections and early detection of issues, it informs maintenance strategies that extend pipelines' service life and ensure sustainable infrastructure management.

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