Air-based pipeline survey in cultivated fields

Especially when the days are getting longer and the vegetation on the fields is higher, the question arises how a walk-through can be carried out without any problems and without damaging the field.

There is currently no conventional solution for the surveying community.

Ultimately, most surveying activities are placed in late fall to spring to avoid having a problem with cultivated fields. The bundling of activities during this period is large. Thus, in addition to the classic surveys, coating surveys and construction measures on the pipeline are scheduled. The consequence for pipeline operators is that not only must there be a very tight schedule, which is excellently planned, but also that important measures must repeatedly be pushed into a new fiscal year because they have no longer found a place in the schedule.

This is not the only reason why EMPIT has developed a drone-based system that solves the challenge of the limited time available for surveys. With the CMI (Current Magnetometry Inspection) drone, it is possible to survey pipelines all year round and thus be independent of external effects such as vegetation height. A pipeline survey can also be conducted when corn is growing above the buried pipeline and reaches heights of up to 2 meters. As a result, field damage can be avoided and the inspection can be scheduled into the pipeline operator's fiscal year completely independently of external effects and other measures.

The EMPIT CMI air-based system can be used for a wide range of services.

Not only can the XZY position and the depth of cover of the buried pipeline be measured, but also, for example, stresses on the pipe can be detected or the pipeline condition can be seamlessly determined. Learn more under: CMI air-based

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It’s for a reason that we are amongst Germany’s Top 100 innovators. Because our mission is to overcome these inspection challenges and, together with our clients, continuously improve the safety and reliability of all pipelines.